Välkommen till konferens om eMaintenance

ProcessIT Innovations medverkar som arrangör till The 2nd International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance, Luleå 12 – 14 december 2012.

Ur inbjudan:
”eMaintenance is being exploited in many industrial domains, e.g. transport, energy, manufacturing and process. One of the main objectives with eMaintenance is to align the maintenance process with the business and operational processes to achieve organisational objectives.
eMaintenance is realised in proper information logistics by enhanced utilisation of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). eMaintenance also supports different interconnected levels in an organisation by provision of an effective and efficient infrastructure for decision-making. The benefits of eMaintenance are reflected in organisations´ overall performance and effectiveness.”

Övrig information, se konferensens hemsida.